Friday, October 23, 2009

A time for change

My 13 year old and I have been doing battle for some time now, and quite honestly, well im about to loose my mind. so I did some searching and came across this sleeping angels cd which teaches us to make use of our childrens subconcious minds by piping positive affirmation into their sleeping minds. studies have shown that this kind of treatment is beneficial to instill positive behavior into our childrens minds, much similar to listening to Bach when we are pregnant. isnt a good attitude and positive self image worht the time for your child? subconcious attitude improvement here
When I was told that frequent intimate conversation sustained relationships, I was stumped. I love to write, and even with the passion of creative writing, I noticed that letters I wrote were a little on the dry side, I didn’t seem to be expressing my deeper emotions on paper like I would like to.. So I searched and found this eBook on writing a romantic letter. Written by a MAN (good googily moogily)when his wife was struggling with a chronic illness that robbed her of her independence. Mr. Bordi, desperate to give his love the joy and happiness he knew she craved decided to take up the much appreciated but often neglected art of writing his wife frequent heartfelt letters of passion and adoration.
For those of us that truly understand the importance of keeping emotion flowing in our relationships, this book does a fine job of showing us how to do more then just put pen to the paper. See for yourself the difference a letter can make. Check it out and let me know how it works for you.http://Learn how to romance with pen and paper here